Wednesday, October 03, 2007

property ladder

i don't know exactly know when i started watching property ladder. somehow, i found myself watching it for 7 consecutive days. i don't even have to turn my SKY reminder on anymore. i've been trying to cut my telly time at night as i want to spend more time studying or reading books. but then again, property ladder is proving to be quite useful as it tells us what to expect if and when we decide to purchase a property of our own.

the past few days, i've been surfing through property websites and magazines just to acquaint myself with the prices of flats and houses in london. we would very much like to own a three bedroom house or flat near canary wharf (yes, dream on unless we win the euro millions!) but for first time buyers like us, it's not a realistic option. W says that if i want a bigger place, i would have to consider living an hour (or more) away from the wharf. i was the one who insisted that we move to docklands as i couldn't bear the long commute. most of my colleagues live far far away - as far as brighton (that's two hours travel time one way, imagine that!) so W tells me that we'll probably learn to adjust. i can only look at him in dismay - i love living in the city! =(

oh well, we don't need to make a decision now. besides, now is not exactly a great time to invest in real estate as the market is very volatile (northern rock, anyone?). geez, i've been watching property ladder for 7 days and i've ended up planning for our future. hmm, maybe i should stick to watching heroes or prison break instead. =P